Arbitrage trading platform

A new era of crypto trading. Start with UGM

UGM solution - triangular arbitrage trading uses the liquidity of the users you invited.

How it works

Registration is a very simple process. Follow step by step. Please verify.
Start trading
Make a deposit to create liquidity for the arbitrage bot.
Start earning money
Connect your bot, activate the arbitration system. Use external and internal arbitration bot.
Number of arbitrage links 24 hours
19 332
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Our advantages

Plus commission

Do you want to increase your income? Then pay attention to the possibility of obtaining additional profit from the trading of grid bots. We offer everyone who wants to earn up to 0.1% plus commission from limit orders.

Join our platform and start earning extra income right now!


We make arbitrage trading safe and accessible for every trader, even those with small deposits. Our innovative solutions securely manage your assets, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities for your financial success.

Don't miss your chance to participate in the world of arbitrage trading with confidence and profit!


Invite your friends and increase your profits together! It's simple: the more friends you invite, the more liquidity is available for you to trade, and the more profit opportunities you have. Join us today and start maximizing your arbitrage trading income with your friends!


User activates two arbitrage bots using the liquidity of one grid bot - this is a smart and efficient solution to optimize your arbitrage trading. With one bot for external arbitrage trading and another for internal arbitrage trading, you can maximize your potential income and reduce your risks. An outdoor arbitrage bot will help you capitalize on price differences between different markets, while an internal arbitrage bot will look for opportunities within the same market. This approach allows you to expand your portfolio of strategies and increase the chances of successful trading. By using the liquidity of one grid bot for both arbitrage bots, you can achieve maximum efficiency and optimize your arbitrage strategy. Don't miss this opportunity to increase your income and diversify your investments!


Increase your rank in the staking pool and get a lot more benefits! Our favorable conditions allow you to reduce the trading commission and increase additional profit. How it works? Very simple! As you increase your rank in the staking pool, you will gain access to better trading conditions, including reduced fees. This means you spend less on commissions and have more money to invest and earn. What's more, you also increase your chances of additional income as you become a more active and influential member of our community. Don't miss this chance to improve your trading conditions and maximize your profits. Join us and start reaching new heights in the world of crypto investments!

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Top Arbitrage Traders

Wide range of products

Trade with ease using grid bots on the UGM spot market

Grid trading is a trading strategy that involves creating a grid of orders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at different price levels. The trader sets the price range in which he wants to trade. The bot creates orders to buy and sell cryptocurrency at different price levels within a given range. When the price reaches one of the grid levels, the bot automatically fills a buy or sell order. If the price moves up, the bot will sell the cryptocurrency, earning on the price difference between orders. If the price moves down, the bot will buy cryptocurrency, also making money on the price difference. The grid bot automatically manages orders in the grid, which frees the trader from the need to constantly monitor the market. The bot can be configured with various options, including grid size, price range and other options, allowing you to tailor the strategy to specific market conditions and trader preferences.

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Arbitrage for internal trading

The Cryptocurrency Internal Trading Arbitrage Bot is an automated software tool that arbitrages on the UGM exchange between three trading pairs. The bot automatically buys cryptocurrency on one trading pair, where it is cheaper, exchanges it in an intermediate pair and sells it on another trading pair, where it is more expensive, earning on the price difference. The bot continuously monitors the prices of various trading pairs and analyzes the price difference between them. As soon as the bot detects a price difference for a particular pair that allows for a profitable arbitrage operation, it will automatically launch a trading strategy. The bot works without interruption, reacting to emerging arbitrage opportunities instantly and without delay. The bot is not subject to emotions, which eliminates human errors when making decisions. Bot quickly perform transactions, which is especially important in a rapidly changing market environment.

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Outdoor Arbitration

Our outdoor trading arbitrage bot is an innovative tool specifically designed for arbitrage in the cryptocurrency market. Bots continuously scan prices for cryptocurrencies on various exchanges and look for differences in their value. When a price difference is detected, the bots automatically and instantly perform a purchase on the exchange with a lower price and at the same time sell on the exchange with a higher price. To ensure safe trading, our bots can use hedging, that is, apply additional strategies to reduce the risk of losing profits in the event of a price change.

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Staking is the process of participating in the maintenance and liquidity of the tokenomics of the UGM exchange, where the user locks (stakes) his purchased tokens as collateral. The reward for staking is provided in the form of tokens, as well as in the form of a reduction in the trading commission when trading bots, receiving and increasing the referral percentage, increasing the plus commission from limit orders.

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Bot for trading with leverage

Averaging bot is an automated trading tool that is used to apply position averaging strategy in cryptocurrency trading. The averaging bot starts with an initial purchase of an asset at the current market price. If the price of an asset starts to change in the opposite direction after the initial purchase, the bot automatically buys additional volumes of the asset each time the price changes. The goal is to average out the purchase price and lower the average entry price. When the price starts to rise, the bot sells the accumulated asset and fixes profits. The bot automatically performs position averaging based on predefined parameters, which frees the trader from the need to manually monitor the market. The averaging strategy reduces the risks on the position, since the average entry level becomes more resistant to price corrections, therefore it is used when using leverage. Averager bots help you manage your money more efficiently and can be customized to optimize risk and return.

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Торгуйте с легкостью на спотовом рынке Binance

Осуществляйте торговлю, используя более 740 различных криптовалютных и фиатных торговых пар, включая пары к Bitcoin, Ethereum и BNB. Получите опыт бесперебойной торговли на крупнейшей в мире криптовалютной бирже по объему торгов. Наша система сопоставления способна обрабатывать до 1,4 миллиона ордеров в секунду.

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Create liquidity, set up bots, activate your arbitrage trading..